In 2002 when we returned from our around-the-world sabbatical, we sent a tee
shirt to the people who we met and who hosted us that year. This is the design.

The map is Buckminster Fuller's "dimaxion projection" of the earth -- the flat
map with the least distortion. Can you find your home?
The flags are for the countries we visited ... can you name them all?
Please Help
Many of our friends sent pictures of themselves wearing their tee shirts. We
were happy to receive the pictures. But now we cannot find them on our computer.
We looked and looked. We only found a few. If you have any pictures of yourself
wearing this shirt, please send them to us.
Also, we would like to display your picture below. So, please tell us if it is OK to
include yours in the Gallery.
Photo Gallery We finished designing the tee
shirt at the time we got our new Jeep:

Shinya and Junko Kamimura sent a similar photo from Nara with their new car:

Here is Dave Snyder ready for a backpack on Vancouver Island:

model the shirts on Kyoto's Daimon-ji Mountain:

Larry's fishing guide, Captain Jim Shadle, wears his on the Kootenai River:

Takashi Kawamoto tends his garden in Kyoto with his grandson Tohru Takata:

The Imura family, Wataru, Satoshi and Kazuyo, model their shirts in Nara, Japan:

Dan and Tomoko in Iowa City, Iowa show the color difference between
an old shirt and a new one!

Julie Jane Shadle models her shirt in her newly remodeled kitchen:

Ken and Shelley Burr relax in their shirts in the kitchen of their Lopez Island vacation

Art Harano showed up at our house wearing his World Tour shirt:
