This page is dedicated to interesting things that catch our attention. There is no unifying
theme beyond our impression that this stuff is odd, funny, amazing or just totally cool.
Cool Stuff
5 July 09 | | |
Float Plane |
As transoceanic travelers know airlines try to keep you occupied by
showing a map of the world and your flight path across it. It's
amazingly boring, but everyone watches the plane follow the line. When
we arrived in Malta and the red dotted line disappeared, all we saw was
the plane. Malta's so tiny, there was no island there! That's Scicily
on the right and Tunisia on the left. Oh, yes, the Arabic shows we took
Air Emirates. 
28 May 09 | | |
Tax Shelter |
Cyprus has a number of unusual saints, one of whom is St. Mamas. The story goes that Mamas was a hermit who refused
to pay his income tax since his only income was from alms. The governor ordered him arrested, but as he was being
led into custody, a lion -- unknown in the area -- leapt onto a lamb grazing nearby. Mamas commanded the lion to
stop his attack, picked up the lamb and rode the lion to the governor's office. Impressed, the governor exempted
Mamas from taxes, and he became the patron of Tax Evaders. Lesson: If the story is improbable enough, maybe even the IRS will
buy it.

29 March 09 | | |
Time Of Confusion |
Daylight Savings Time ended in Western Australia where we lived. When it's 6:00 AM in WA, it is 7:30 in the Northern
Territory, 8:00 in Queensland, 8:30 in South Australia and 9:00 AM in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

27 March 09 | | |
Mr. Manners |
We love this poster on our local train. It hangs above a Priority Seat,
but its message hasn't gotten through to everyone. Recently a pregnant
woman got on during morning rush hour and asked a teenage boy to move
from the Priority Seat so she could sit because she was feeling ill. He
refused. At that very timely moment the woman's breakfast made a
reappearance, directly hitting the teenager. It brought a round of
applause from the other passengers and made the evening news. 
15 February 09 | | |
Victoria Bitter |
VB is Aussie-speak for Victoria Bitter, one of the legendary Australian beers. Though we've sampled many others, it is
our favorite. We are apparently not alone. Check it out!
12 February 09 | | |
Road Work |
Don't know. Dog Is Our Co-Pilot. Initially, we thought this was Margaret River's "Riddle of the Week,"
and were stumped. Turns out, skipper = designated driver, a concern in a winery-dense area.

15 January 09 | | |
Coffee Shop |
L especially likes this café for its coffee cup mural on the back wall,
made from five different colors of coffee cups and representing his
servings in a week! They serve iced coffee a lot in Australia, though
some like it hot. He's squinting. You should try squinting, too. 
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