Spring has come to Seattle!

It WAS here. Since we took this photo of our plum blossoms, we have had more snow.
News & Notes
We finally created a Web page from our visit to Taipei. Check it out!

Tea Stall in Taipei
Dan reports having seen lots of dead things with big teeth in the back stacks of both
the American Museum of Natural History in New Yok City and the Museum of Comparative Zoology at
Harvard. It was his Big Apple/ Baked Bean trip over spring break.
Tomoko has her Green Card!! Actually, she points out that she has her white green card.
Dave has won a poetry residency for a month this fall at the Jentel Artists Residency.
It is in the Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming. Ah, shucks, too bad for him.
Shelley & Ken Burr entertained us at their home on Lopez Island in March.
Part of the weekend entertainment was helping Ken move a fence!
Shelley rewarded the laborers with a sustaining brew (and a pot roast!).

We had a delightful visit from Julie’s former student Mizuho Ozaki (second from left),
her parents and cousin. They are from Kyushu Island, Japan.
