Communication Headquarters
Welcome to Julie and Larry's Coordinates page.
This site describes where we've been and what we're doing now. We like to include
general news about our kids and who's been stopping by. We would love to hear from you!

Send email to us at jl -- that's right, just the two
letters jay and el -- @snydersR.us
As always, use only the letters displayed in blue.
Domain |
is our domain name. If you are familiar with the American toy store Toys Я Us,
which is usually written with a backwards "R", then you will have no difficulty remembering
this domain name. By the way the "R" can be capitalized or not, as you wish, but it shouldn't
be backwards!
Snail Mail |
Our usual coordinates are: 47° 42' 11.42"N, 122° 23' 3.80"W.
This location has a postal address, of course, and if you send us email, we'll be happy to
send it to you.
We have also been residents at the following addresses ...
Galata Kulesi Sokak 24, Beyoğlu, Istanbul, Turkey
9 Bukit Batok Central Link, #29-10, Singapore, 658074, Singapore
Scala B Int 4, Via Torino 41, 00187 Roma, Italy
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