With school over at last, we decided to celebrate by visiting Dan and Tomoko in Dublin, Georgia, where he teaches
earth sciences at Middle Georgia College, and she is a nurse at Fairview Park Hospital. Dave joined us, making it a
family reunion.

Georgia was abloom with crepe myrtles while we were there.
News & Notes
Dave has won the 2008 Iowa Review
Prize For Poetry for his "Bamboo Poem". The Iowa Review is a periodical that takes as its
mission "nudging along American literature." We think Dave's poem will give it a big shove.
Tomoko has been working on a quilt for some time now, and we got to see it fully assembled. It is beautiful! She is a
very talented quilter; everything matches perfectly! She is now starting the quilting.

We drove down to Plains Georgia, the home town of President and Mrs. Jimmy Carter. Plains is a tiny town and very quiet
on a hot June afternoon. Tomoko got a chance to have her photo taken with the Carters ... at least, the cardboard Carters.

A short walk from Dan and Tomoko's apartment is a swamp with an
entertaining population of turtles. (Find one on a log in the lower
center of the photo.) D & T have given us weekly reports on the
turtles all year, so it was fun to spend an hour watching them climb
out onto the logs and then "splorp" back into the water. 