Spring in Seattle usually means gray skies and dark days. We go outside anyway because in just a click (on the picture)
things can improve.

A bit of stunningly beautiful Pacific Northwest summer weather finally
broke through. Everyone was outside picnicking, walking, running,
sailing, cycling. Doing anything to stay outside! At one point we
counted 112 sailboats on Puget Sound in front of our house.
News & Notes
Dave was super busy with preparations for the Columbia College annual
one day arts extravaganza "Manifest." We're wishing we had been part of
the 30,000 there on May 16th, and this short video shows the fun we missed.
Dan was chosen to be a judge for the earth science section at the 59th
Intel International Science and Engineering Fair held in Atlanta.
Almost 1,500 students from 47 countries competed for nearly $4 million
in scholarships and prizes. He says all the projects were excellent and
he enjoyed meeting the young scientists.
We spent Mothers Day weekend in Libby,
Montana, with Julie and Jim Shadle sweeping a 10 mile segment of Route
559 and marking the potholes with yellow spray paint. Punishment?
Community Service? Road Curling? 
We were part of the support team for the annual Scenic Tour of The
Kootanai River (STOKR) bicycle rally. It is a fund raiser for Habitat
for Humanity. See more photos of STOKR.
Our friend Mary-Claire van Leunen and her daughter Margaret Brown have a delightful food web site called
alteRecipe.com. In the April 9th issue is a great interview about food gifts with Suzette Brassica, a/k/a JULIE!
Larry and the Luncheonettes!

Back for a return engagement at Bell Street! From left, Vicky Palm, Judy Watson, Eriko De La Mare.