"Beware of the Ides of March" the soothsayer admonishes Caesar in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
But, it's pretty useless advice because the soothsayer didn't elaborate on what might happen. What should
Caesar be concerned about? OK. Shakespeare was using the soothsayer to build drama, but still ... .
Much of the world seems to be in Caesar's situation: We know to beware of the SARS CoV-2 virus, but what
exactly should we be watching for? Did we see it two weeks ago? Was that it?
Looking West from our coordinates on 29 February 2020 - Is that the pandemic coming?
News & Notes
Returning from Japan we got busy with holiday preparations. That meant setting up the balcony Christmas tree, selected by the discerning James S., and cut and delivered by the enterprising Jeffrey P. Thank you!
Dan came home for the holiday, giving him ample time to split firewood and party. Dave also came home, and Stephanie joined us.
And as has been our tradition since we were in Grenada ES for Christmas, we enjoyed anchovies on potato chips on Christmas Eve. Melissa and Brendan joined us.Holiday Partying
In January we trekked to Libby MT to see Jim and Julie. Winter visits are always fun, hunkered down with games, cards, conversation and cooking. Baking a four layer carrot cake, for example, requires extreme precision.
The community mailboxes in front of our house got hit by a garbage truck in July, 2019. It took more than six months to convince the garbage company to pay. But, finally, we got a new platform installed.
Our Toronto friend Philip visited for several days in February, giving us ample time to show him the sights of Seattle, and a chance to compare our Space Needle with Toronto's CN Tower.
Philip records Seattle viewed from Queen Anne Hill
In March we flew to Austin TX to visit our friends Barbara and David. We toured the main Austin sights, including the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library.
Barbara and David at the LBJ Presidential Library
Sadly, on Friday the Thirteenth we moved out of our Vancouver condominium and turned over the keys to a rental agency. We're disappointed that we won't be staying there for a while, but Vancouver needs more rentals for people who work in town. As proof, our place was rented almost immediately.
The Uncluttered Look