The year began with a mob-invasion of the Capitol by delusional Americans egged
on by the then-President for the purpose of subverting the free and fair election, which he lost.
Freely. And fairly. Despite this infuriating start to the year,
we - and virtually everyone we know - were (otherwise) optimistic about the coming months.
The Covid-19 vaccination effort was rolling out and we were eager to get a shot.
Once we were brimming with Covid-19 antibodies, we celebrated with Melissa and Brendan
at a beach-front house on Camano Island, WA.
Celebrating our vaccinations with a weekend getaway
News & Notes
But, first things first. Joe Biden won the election, receiving 10% more votes than the former guy. We celebrated his inauguration with a champagne brunch, featuring salmon cakes with poached eggs plus homemade toast and jam.
Our champagne brunch celebrating the presidential inauguration
Just in time for Valentines Day, Seattle received its first substantial snowfall in several years. Because it's so rare, it's a treat for us.
Enjoying a rare event: Seattle's famous rain chills out
When the Covid-19 vaccine first became available, the prospect of ending our Pandemic isolation was so strong, our whole peer group rushed to get scheduled. In the vaccination frenzy we all took selfies as the needle went in. Both of us received the Moderna mRNA vaccine, which requires a followup shot a few weeks later. During the wait we changed the dining room pictures to prints of Angels by the Renaissance artist Fr. Angelico.
Redecorating with Fr. Angelico's angels filled time between Covid-19 shots
The largest feature in our backyard - a Rhododendron formed from five individual plants - has dominated and overwhelmed the garden for years. It was time for it to go. Its cut-up foliage produced several yards of compost.
R.I.P. Rhodie
When Jim and Juilie were vaccinated, we visited them in Libby MT, where Dome Mountain in the Cabinet Wilderness Area 'caught some rays' one morning.
Fully vaccinated, we ventured out without wearing face masks on our one year anniversary of Pandemic isolation. The occasion was to take the last of our four Pandemic portraits. (1, 2, 3 ) The end seems to be in sight and it's a miracle! Three cheers for medical science!
No. 4: Savoring our vaccinated freedom at the Space Needle
Also, we canned a batch of gardinaire, which is essentially a celebration in a jar!
Party time!