Shortly after our last post the Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was identified,
spread across the world at lightening speed and caused an unprecedented spike in
Covid-19 cases in the US. So, once again we followed medical recommendations and stayed close to
home. Our one change of coordinates was a January visit to LIbby MT, where the sun
came out for an afternoon. Though the winter has been on the mild side of average
by Montana standards, deer always struggle to find adequate
food under the season's harsh conditions. Are they saving energy by
walking single file?
Whitetail Deer Along the Kootenai River in Libby MT
News & Notes
In the lead up to the holiday season, L rebuilt our balcony Christmas tree, which debuted last year. We liked it, but it didn't hold up against Seattle's Winter weather. This year's version of Larry's Faux Fir [ Abies lawrencii ] is constructed of pine wood, which is much tougher. The tree uses 1800 LED lights. Best off all, it comes in two easy-to-carry pieces that can be conveniently decorated separately in the study.
Decorating the Faux Fir in the Study
Dog birthdays have been a big hit this fall among the dogs. Our neighbor Lisa "baked" a birthday cake for each of her golden retrievers. This is Annie celebrating her 14th year. (From left the women are Myong, Jody and Lisa; the dogs are Suki, Harper, Otis, Ace and Annie.) A few weeks later Ace celebrated his birthday. Both Ace and Annie shared their cakes with their friends.
Lisa Holding Annie and Her Cake
The wet weather forecast for the Northwest arrived. Not only did it fill our garden pond to overflowing, cover our two mountain ranges with dozens of feet of snow and gave us a white Christmas, it justified a new Women's Fly Fishing rain jacket for J.
The Olympic Mountains
Dan flew in early for the holidays, giving ample time to challenge his dad at remembering world capitals.
L: Ouagadougou. D: What is the capital you can never remember belongs to Burkina Faso?
Dave and his girlfriend Stephanie battled the airline cancellations and delays from New York, arriving a day late but in time for a beer.
Showing Off a lot of Expensive Orthodontia
Motivated by the Feast of the Seven Fishes, we fixed a feast with seven marine creatures on New Year's Day. Starting with Anchovies on Potato Chips and Willapa Oysters (not shown) we fixed (from left) salad, Baltic Sprats on toast, Scallop ceviche, Ahi sashimi, Cod wrapped in banana leaves, "fluffy" Halibut.
Bounty of the Sea
On a pleasant January afternoon, we joined friends on a walk through the Bellevue Botanical Garden. It is enjoyable country to walk through with very unusual rock formations.
Enjoying January's Sunny Afternoon
The World Spreads Out Before the Curious