In May our family rendezvoused in Jackson WY
for a couple days to enjoy the wonders that are
Northwest Wyoming -- Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, elk-moose-bison habitat, Silver Dollar Bar, ... . For all of us, it was a chance
for a road trip: J & L took two days with stops, Dan filled four days, and Dave and Anna (and the pups) stretched it to six. We
all passed wind turbine parts transported on the highways, props and piller segments. Like the countryside, the energy
infrastructure was greening up.
Jackson's Famous Elk Antler Arches
News & Notes
Our friend Tomoko recently moved from Providence RI to Seattle. We welcomed her and her trusty pup, Ranger. We don't know if she moved because Rhode Island's Official Beverage is something called "Coffee Milk", but in Seattle she'll have all the espresso (and gray rainy weather) she could possibly want. Welcome, we're happy you're here! Ranger just prefers scratches.
Celebrating Tomoko and Ranger's Move to Seattle
Motivated by all of the great dining we enjoyed on our recent visit to Japan, we tried our hand at Japanese cooking. It should be called Japanese meal preparation, because so much of Japanese cuisine is served raw. It was fun and passed muster with experienced Japanese foodies, Brendan and Melissa.
Four of the Dishes From the Japanese Dinner
In Jackson we putted around town some, but soon headed for GTNP. As the range ducked in and out of snow squalls, we hiked along Jenny Lake. Later we hiked along the Snake River so the dogs, Charlie and Frankie, could exercise and ignore the moose we spotted. At their log cabin along the river, Dave and Anna built a campfire and put together a picnic under the watchful eyes of the dogs, as the weather cycled between flurries and sun. It was a very, very, very enjoyable evening.
Jenny Lake and the Teton Range
Next morning, Anna headed west for Boise to attend her brother's wedding, and the remaining four of us headed north into Yellowstone. The south gate of YNP was closed by snow, so we headed back to Jackson and out of town via Teton Pass ... in flurries. Ten days later a section of the Teton Pass Highway slid down the mountain.
After a night in Butte, we headed to Libby MT for a Memorial Service for Julie Myers Shadle, Jim's wife. It was a lovely rememberance of Julie's life, filled with music and memories from friends. Afterwards, the family came home to find that Julie's PEO sisters had lined the entry with flowers in 'You are my sunshine' bags. Everyone so associates her with that song, she became 'sunshine' for us all.
Julie's PEO Sisters Left Flowers in 'You are my sunshine' Bags